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Meaning at Work 1.0


After a beta release in February 2016, a SXSW 2017 Release, Danny Gutknecht's book, Meaning at Work is now available on amazon!

As we steward the HOuse of MEaning from authority to process, our task comes further into focus. Three entities - individuals, organizations and cities - require unique approaches. Danny's quest(ion): how do we steward organizational meaning? He takes us through a history of personal meaning and its development by thinkers such as Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow and Joseph Campbell. In parallel, we witness the rise of meaning in organizations in the late 20th century and the initial attempts through authority-based culture building. Finally, we traverse Human Fugue, JOurneY and the hidden language of meaning. Essence Mining reveals the process of organizational meaning stewardship.

Listen to Danny's interview on the Commanding Business Podcast.


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